Visa Services
Notes about Multiple Entry Visit Visa
Visa Multiple is a multiple entry visit visa.
Immigration Arrival stamp is 60 days calculated from the date of admission to Indonesia and as per new Immigration effective June 2006 the Visa Multiple CANNOT be extended while the foreigner is still in Indonesia..
Upon the expiry date of the 60th days of his staying, he has to go out of the country. Each day of overstay, the Airport departure Immigration will charge you for IDR 1.000.000/day.
Multiple Entry Visit Visa
Multiple Entry Visit Visa is applied online on Molina: https://evisa.imigrasi.go.id/
A multiple-journey visit visa shall be issued to an applicant who intends to visit Indonesia for a specific purpose for several times.
A multiple-journey visit visa shall be granted to the holder of a passport or travel document which is valid for at least 6 months. The validation of a Multiple-journey Business visa is 12 months calculated from the date of issuance.
A Multiple Entry visit visa which includes various aspects:
To discuss matters in the framework of trade transactions
To make on the spot observations and to discuss trade commodities for the import-export business
Business activity not engaged as an employee
To join an international show/exhibition
To join a meeting held by the head office or representative in Indonesia
To discuss with Indonesian enterprises matters related to capital or commodity production by overseas enterprise
To investigate possibilities for merchandising in the framework of capital investment with prospective partners in Indonesia
Download file Checklist Documents Multiple Entry Visit Visa here